Is Your Obedience To God Based On Your FEELING or FAITH?
What determines how you make decisions? Is it based on what you see, how you feel, or what you think? If so, you might want to rethink that because this is not what the Word of God tells us how to live.
When most people hear the word 'obedience' they often bristle because it goes against our human nature of putting ourselves first because our natural tendency is to want to be in control of our own lives, but God has a better plan!
You see when we listen to God’s guidance, heed His direction and faithfully apply the instruction in His Word, we will always be both in His Perfect Will, and as Joshua 1:8 promises, “Prosper and succeed in all you do.”
Obedience to God and choosing His ways is not always easy, and the British author and lay theologian G.K. Cheserton put this well saying:
It’s not that the
Christian faith has been
tried and found difficult,
but rather it’s been found
Difficult and left untried.
So Christian, do not live your life by what you FEEL, but be obedient in FAITH and God will always safely and successfully direct your path.
God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You
Jesus Loves You
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