We Are All Chased By Death
In today’s scripture God is asking Job if he has seen the gates or the shadow of death. Like Job, the answer as we walk down the road of life is 'no' but if you look over your shoulder, silently behind all of us the shadow of death gets closer and closer each day with every step we take.
We can never out-run the shadow of death. It follows in our footsteps, and one day the shadow of death will catch up to us, but despite this ominous fact there is a way to escape it!
David wrote in Psalm 23 that “Thou I walk in the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,” but those that do NOT walk with and toward God have a much different outcome as Jesus said:
“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Matthew 25:46
Friend, while all of us will come to the door of Physical Death, God has provided a way of escape from SPIRITUAL DEATH and the everlasting fate of it through salvation in Christ.
Will you choose today to escape and walk towards and with God in His righteousness, or will you let the shadow of eternal death catch up to you?
God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You
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