Winston Churchill, in a fiery speech at the onset of World War 2 declared in a defiant tone that the Axis powers were in for a fight, and once defeated, that the world would “NEVER FORGET” what was done.” The same was said of the 'War To End All Wars' after World War 1, but as time and history has sadly shown, the peace and victory achieved after these horrific conflicts have instead been largely forgotten.
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The Forgetful Nature Of Humanity
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Winston Churchill, in a fiery speech at the onset of World War 2 declared in a defiant tone that the Axis powers were in for a fight, and once defeated, that the world would “NEVER FORGET” what was done.” The same was said of the 'War To End All Wars' after World War 1, but as time and history has sadly shown, the peace and victory achieved after these horrific conflicts have instead been largely forgotten.