The Forgetful Nature Of Humanity
Winston Churchill, in a fiery speech at the onset of World War 2 declared in a defiant tone that the Axis powers were in for a fight, and once defeated, that the world would “NEVER FORGET” what was done.” The same was said of the 'War To End All Wars' after World War 1, but as time and history has sadly shown, the peace and victory achieved after these horrific conflicts have instead been largely forgotten.
As today’s verse reminds us, sadly this is our tendency as people, and we need to keep in our forethought not only the lessons we have learned, but blessings we’ve been given.
Even if you are not a Christian or believer in God, be not forgetful of the good things you have SEEN and EXPERIENCED in life. Count your blessings and never forget where you have been and what you have gone through - both good and bad!
Be you with God or not, His hand is on your life. Consider this; when you take your next breath or your heart beats another beat, that is NOT of yourself but from something far greater outside of you that gives you life.
Your life is a gift! Never forget this, so as today’s scripture verse says, “Keep Your Souls Diligently.”
God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You